Every now and again we run across an embroidered patch with a message so specific and so limited in its appeal that only a small number of people can legitimately display it. Here's an example: the Made in the 20's patch. Assuming that the 20's refers to a decade, you don't have many choices. You're talking the 1920s or 2020s.
If you're part of the 1920s set and you're still rocking biker patches and riding around on a Harley, good for you. You deserve a whole lot more than just than embroidered patch with a patronizing saying. You deserve a medal for living so long. And while you're at it, have a couple of cold ones on the house.
If you are part of the 2020s set, you can't even read this post. If someone explained it to you, you would have no idea what that person was talking about. Here's hoping you someday grow up to appreciate the biker lifestyle and all it stands for. You are the future of this great country, and you deserve every opportunity to grow up free and independent from anyone else's control.
Now, if you were born in any other decade and you still wore this patch on your shirt or jacket, you would have some explaining to do. Just what is it about you that was made in the 20s? Maybe it's not something about you but something you own. Perhaps it's your bike. You are riding a vintage Indian or Harley that just cannot be replicated by anything modern. Fair enough. You deserve to wear this patch on your jacket or vest.
One way or the other, we're guessing this one has a limited audience. If you are part of that audience, no worries. We have plenty of these in stock.